Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"With miniature horses new being accepted as service animals, owners of Guide Horses, service horses and emotional support horses have created a demand for customized miniature horse shoes and miniature horse sneakers. The Guide Horse Foundation finds that most miniature horse service animal owners prefer sneaker style horse shoes."


kate said...

man, that one mini pony with the crazy eye haunts my dreams at night.

Joshua Grace said...

i would love to see the actual data from that study at the end!

Bridget said...

holy crap, that made my day leann! mini ponies AND tiny sneakers!

Sha said...

We just got a minature and yesterday brought her into the house for first time. Would like to train her as therapy horse and really really would like to get sneaks for her but no clue where to buy them. If anyone can lend any information on purchasing mini sneaks I'd love to hear from ya!

Sha said...

Any custom miniature horse sneaker makers out there?