Monday, July 5, 2010

cruel joke?

i can't believe we're getting another heat wave. this time in the hundreds. doesn't mother nature know i'm in the last few weeks of my pregnancy???? not ok!! at least we have air conditioning in our house this year. i am so so so grateful for that. but seriously from the insanely rough winter to the extreme summer we're having, i'm really considering moving to the pacific northwest or something.


lana bear said...

DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTT. mild winter, perfectly perfect summer. can't wait to see that little babe!

sanityseeker said...

this does not make me laugh. just got back from upstate ny and wondering why i ever left. it was 95 up there, but at least there are lakes and gorges to swim in!!

Unknown said... got too hot for our baby, after those 3 hundred degree days, he wanted out! (born July 8) Danielle is planning for a winter baby next time.