Saturday, December 13, 2008


ok this is a weird one. i am in LA right now working on our spring catalog shoot. i just got back to my hotel room and noticed a super strong shampoo or soap smell as soon as i walked in. i went to the bathroom to take my contacts out and discovered where the smell was coming from. my bathroom floor which is covered with bubbly foamy stuff. i haven't the slightest idea of what it is exactly but it is the weirdest thing i've ever come home to!!! i don't think the pictures really do the situation justice but you get the idea. so weird!


sanityseeker said...

yeah leann! that is so cool! i was just wondering when you were going to post again...

Joshua Grace said...

that might have been a great prank by a co-worker. it must be so nice to be down there right now!

lover mother said...

so did you figure out how it happened?
what did the hotel do? so weird!

Anonymous said...

Did you forget the sweet bubble party that you had in your room last night?? Raver for life Leann!